Vital equipment upgrades

Thanks to the generosity of the Good Friday Appeal community, equipment vital to great patient care is being upgraded across The Royal Children’s Hospital. With the most advanced equipment, the RCH can continue to provide the best diagnosis and treatment for some of the sickest children in Victoria and beyond.

More than 25 different types of equipment will be bought, including state of the art operating tables for trauma surgery, bedside monitors for critically ill children in the Intensive Care Unit and a new suite of defibrillators to be used across the hospital.

Other equipment that will be bought includes:

  • A fibre-optic endoscope, which has a light and tiny camera at the end, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat gastrointestinal conditions.
  • A halo retractor system for trauma brain surgery, which is an essential piece of equipment for operations on the brain. The halo retractor system will be used to gently hold portions of the brain in place and gives surgeons greater access to perform complex procedures.
  • A portable video x-ray machine to give surgeons performing delicate hand and foot operations the ability to more easily find fractures and defects in the bones they are trying to repair.

Go behind the scenes in the Neurosurgery Theatre with Alison Wray, Director of Neurosurgery

Funds from the 2021 Good Friday Appeal have helped purchase a probe that attaches to the microscope used in brain surgery to help surgeons see around corners.

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Neurosurgery Microscope

For the highly trained neurosurgeons at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), operating microscopes are essential tools during these procedures for providing light and magnification during surgery.

Thanks to the generous community of the Good Friday Appeal supporters on Giving Tuesday, the RCH Neurosurgery Department will upgrade its equipment with a new operating microscope that includes the latest technological features to help save children’s lives.

The new hybrid microscope has advanced functions including an endoscope attachment which surgeons can use to identify tumours that are out of the normal field of view and improve access to regions of the brain that were previously difficult to reach.

It also features 3D technology so surgeons can operate in ergonomic positions and enhance educational opportunities in theatre.

Posted May 2020

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IMRIS Machine

Sometimes, the best way to attract world-class paediatric outcomes is with a five-tonne magnet.

The intra-operative magnetic resonance imaging system (IMRIS) machine enables surgeons to perform MRI scans during brain surgery without the need to leave theatre or move the patient from the table, enhancing patient safety. The new system features an MRI scanner suspended from the ceiling which can move into the Neurosurgical theatre or Cardiology lab, allowing surgeons to access scans in real time, which assists with decision making and guidance during complex operations.

“The advantage is our other areas will be more efficient. There are direct benefits to the patients in the operating theatre, but also improved access to our imaging services for our other patients.”

Timothy Cain, Medical Imaging Specialist

Thanks to funding from the Good Friday Appeal, the RCH was the first paediatric hospital in Australia to offer the IMRIS. It currently assists approximately 1,000 patients each year.

Dr Golly introduces the IMRIS machine and speaks to two surgeons for the Good Friday Appeal 2018 Telethon

Posted July 2018

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