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Surgery helps Georgia find her voice

My daughter Georgia Kylie keeps growing and developing, thanks to the amazing support and care of the teams at the Royal Children’s Hospital! She is now two years old, walking, laughing and dancing to her favourite music! If it wasn’t for the incredible care of the RCH and the amazing professionals, we wouldn’t have realised this! There is still more work to go, as her airway surgery last summer wasn’t a complete success and she still has her tracheostomy. But we get amazing care and support, and we are confident that in the future her airway will be fully fixed and we will be able to go on with a happy, active and fully normal life! I was hoping to participate in the Run for the Kids this year and was able to raise almost $2000 for this great cause and over $3000 from my team. Unfortunately the run didn’t go ahead this year, but I’m even more determined to be back next year, running for all the special little kids!

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