Meet Alexander
Alexander Gilbert has been a frequent flyer at The Royal Children’s Hospital since he was a baby.
The 17-year-old was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was 12 months old, and he also has epilepsy and intellectual disabilities.
Alexander has had hundreds of hospital visits and stays for treatments, surgeries, check ups and interventions to help loosen muscles, including a 10 hour surgery to loosen the hamstrings and calves.
He has been such a special part of the Hospital that when the new hospital was being built, one of the cranes was named after him. Alexander was also invited to meet the Queen when she opened the new Hospital in 2011.
Thanks to the treatment and care Alexander has received at the RCH, his parents say he is able to live his best possible life.
Alexander has a love for music and singing in choir. He will try anything from rock climbing to riding a giant swing.
“The RCH gives children and their families the best opportunities to live their best lives,” Alexander’s dad Robert said.
“His future life, regardless of how often or little we come back, has been established through what the Children’s (Hospital) has done.”

Alexander’s family is grateful to the Hospital for the wonderful care and support he has received.
“You automatically feel comforted when you walk through the doors because you know he’s going to receive the best care,” Alexander’s mum Sandra said.
“It’s been amazing. It’s an amazing hospital. We’re so fortunate to have it. The support you get is outstanding, she said.
Alexander is transitioning to adult care at another Hospital as he turns 18 early next year.
Robert and Sandra said they would be sad to leave the RCH, which had been like a second home to the family.
Robert, Sandra and big brother Thomas have been great supporters of the RCH and Good Friday Appeal, raising funds through business and family networks.
Pictures: Supplied