Ibrahim sits on a hospital bed at the rch melbourne in a light blue shirt playing with toy trucks and cars.

First, it was a step then a hop for Ibrahim

Meet Ibrahim who has been undergoing chemotherapy at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

On an overcast day in the Royal Children’s Hospital’s playground, a bubbly toddler lights up at the sight of several yellow trucks just waiting to be raced.

He could be a happy kid at any Melbourne park, were it not for the sight of his smiling father right behind him, pushing an IV pole connected to his excited son.

Ibrahim has been undergoing chemotherapy at the Royal Children’s Hospital and a trip to the park was the first time he had been able to leave his ward in five days.

Mum Elham said Ibrahim, now two years and nine months old, was diagnosed with cancer aged one after he lost the ability to walk.

Ibrahim sits on a hospital bed at The Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne in a light blue shirt playing with toy trucks and cars.

“We were in shock,” she said.

He had Ewing sarcoma of the spine, which was unusual for his age.

Dad Nazir said Ibrahim had been unable to walk because the tumour had been wrapped around his nerves, and he began six weeks of radiation, followed by 17 cycles of chemotherapy every fortnight.

Nazir said Ibrahim still had multiple months of chemotherapy to go, but he’s doing well and is still an energetic boy who loves playing with trucks and his older brothers.

“The second round of chemotherapy he started walking,” he said.

“We were all happy and the doctors too because they knew it was shrinking then.”

He said they would be donating to the Good Friday Appeal after witnessing the hospital’s “great” work, and encouraged others to do so.

Words by Sarah Booth
Photos by Mark Stewart
Published: Herald Sun 07/04/2023

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