Still need to pay your pledge?

Information about paying in your pledge

Your donation helped us raise $23,061,321 and it is thanks to donors like you that we can ensure The Royal Children’s Hospital continues to deliver world-class care.

Paid your pledge but did not receive a tax-deductible receipt?

Thank you if you have already paid your pledge. If you have paid without a reference to a pledge number or a name we can not match it to the pledge you made on Good Friday.  Therefore, can you please contact us either by emailing us at or by calling our office 03 9292 1166 with the date you paid and the method of payment.   We can then match your payment details to your pledge, mark your donation as complete and send you a tax receipt.  

Still to pay your pledge and receive a tax deductible receipt before 30th June?

Over the phone – Simply call the Good Friday Appeal Office 03 9292 1166 to pay over the phone with a credit card.

Online – Pay online by heading to  In the Additional Info section include your pledge number & name so we know who the donation is from.

Via your Bank – You can walk into any NAB Branch and pay your pledged donation over the counter or you can transfer money online using your pledge number as the reference.

Please call our office on 03 9292 1166 for bank account details or to make a payment over the phone by credit card.

By Post: Send a cheque or money order including your pledge number:

Good Friday Appeal

PO BOX: 14744

Once again, thank you for your continued support in helping to make a difference to the lives of sick children and their families.

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