1. These terms and conditions govern both a Registered Project Fundraising Event as described in the Fundraising Proposal and Agreement and an Online Fundraising Page as described on the Good Friday Appeal Online Fundraising Platform, in support of The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal ABN 69 084 797 965 (Good Friday Appeal). The Registered Project Fundraiser agrees to be bound by and accepts these Terms and Conditions by completing and submitting the online proposal form and the Online Event Fundraiser agrees to be bound by and accepts these Terms and Conditions by ticking the relevant box on the Online Fundraising Platform.
2. ‘Fundraiser’ means the individual or organisation holding the Fundraising Event for the Good Friday Appeal as detailed in the Fundraising Proposal and Agreement or on the Online Fundraising Page. Fundraisers do not represent the Good Friday Appeal but are acting on their own behalf to raise funds that will be forwarded to the Good Friday Appeal. A fundraiser has no power to bind the Good Friday Appeal in any manner whatsoever or to take any action or do any act or thing in the name of the Good Friday Appeal. Fundraisers must make this clear in all dealings with the public, sponsors and supporters.
3. The Fundraising Event shall be conducted in the Fundraiser’s name and is the sole responsibility of the Fundraiser. The financial aspects, fundraising, raffles, record keeping and management of the Fundraising Event are entirely the responsibility of the Fundraiser. All costs and debts associated with the Fundraising Event are the responsibility of the Fundraiser. The Good Friday Appeal is not able to take a co-ordination or management role in these activities, however, will aim to provide support and advice where possible. The Fundraiser will not act in any way which impacts adversely on the image, reputation or brand of the Good Friday Appeal.
4. The Fundraiser agrees that it is solely responsible for the organisation, management and conduct of the Fundraising Event and all associated costs and liabilities. It warrants that the Fundraising Event will be promoted and conducted by the Fundraiser in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations including but not limited to registering as a fundraiser if required, adherence to all relevant raffle and promotions laws and record keeping. Without limiting the above:
- the Fundraiser must comply with all applicable legal requirements in relation to the participation of children in fundraising appeals; and
- If children under the age of 18 who are not known to the Fundraiser, are to be present at the fundraiser, all adults who are involved in putting on the fundraiser must have a current Working with Children Check. Please refer to this link for more information; and
- the Fundraiser acknowledges and agrees that, to the full extent permitted by law, the Good Friday Appeal (including its officers, directors, employees and agents) shall not be in any way liable, whether solely or jointly, for any loss, damage or injury howsoever sustained (including without limitation, for negligence or breach of statutory duty) to any person or property, arising out of or in respect of the Fundraising Event
- community fundraising activities are not covered by the Good Friday Appeal’s insurance including public indemnity, workers’ compensation for workers, and personal accident insurance for volunteers and third party property insurance. As a community fundraiser, it is your responsibility to organise your own insurance cover. The Good Friday Appeal will not be held responsible for any damages as a result of the approved fundraising activity.
- If an activity is open to the public we recommend you seek advice regarding Public Liability insurance. The GFA insurance policy does not cover activities conducted by outside organisations and groups. All insurance cover required (eg. public liability or wet weather insurance for outdoor events) is the fundraisers’ responsibility.
- each Fundraiser, as the organiser must adhere to the relevant COVID-19 State Government directions and Local Government Area policies in place at the time. These can be found at https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-victoria?redirectSrc=coronavirus.vic.gov.au
5. Any person or organisation fundraising in Victoria, unless specifically exempted, is required by law to ’register to fundraise’. Similar laws may apply in other states and territories. Details of fundraiser registration requirements in Victoria are available via the Consumer Affairs Vic website, www.consumer.vic.gov.au. The Good Friday Appeal may send the Fundraiser a letter of consent to fundraise for it as the beneficiary if:
- A Fundraising Proposal and Agreement has been completed and submitted through the online proposal form;
- The Good Friday Appeal is satisfied that the Fundraising Event will produce an appropriate return after expenses have been deducted.
- The Good Friday Appeal is satisfied that the Fundraising Event fits in with the aims and values of The Good Friday Appeal.
- The Good Friday Appeal is satisfied that the Fundraising Event is not high risk.
The Fundraiser is not authorised to use the Good Friday Appeal as its beneficiary charity until the Fundraiser has received a letter of consent from the Good Friday Appeal.
6. All publicity:
- must clearly state that funds raised will be forwarded to the Good Friday Appeal.
- material must be approved by the Good Friday Appeal prior to it being publically displayed.
- must be forwarded to the Good Friday Appeal so that the Appeal can answer enquiries from the public with confidence about the Fundraising Event.
7. The Good Friday Appeal grants to each Fundraiser a limited, non-exclusive licence for the duration of the Fundraising Event to display and use the Good Friday Appeal logo as permitted in the fundraising letter of consent from the Good Friday Appeal. Approval of a Fundraising Event and use of the Good Friday Appeal logo is not and must not be used in any way to indicate an endorsement by the Good Friday Appeal or The Royal Children’s Hospital of a product or service.
8. By registering your online fundraiser and providing your information to the Good Friday Appeal, you consent to being contacted by the Good Friday Appeal, and grant permission to share your story or details about your event on the Good Friday Appeal website and social media channels, and through our media partners if appropriate. If you would like to opt out of contact or sharing permissions, please contact the Good Friday Appeal.
9. All collectors must wear clearly visible identification badges detailing the Good Friday Appeal. They must use collection tins provided by the Good Friday Appeal.
10. The Fundraiser agrees to and must deposit all funds raised into Good Friday Appeal bank account nominated and advised to the Fundraiser within 14 days after the Fundraising Event provided that if paying by cheque/money order, then the cheque or money order must be sent and received by the Good Friday Appeal office within 14 days after the Fundraising Event. This deposit of funds does not constitute a donation by the Fundraiser.
11.The Good Friday Appeal may withdraw consent to the Fundraiser and/or its Fundraising Event in its absolute discretion at any time if it considers it necessary to protect the reputation of the Good Friday Appeal. Good Friday Appeal is not required to provide reasons for its decision. If consent is withdrawn, all fundraising, promotion of the Fundraising Event and use of the Good Friday Appeal Logos must cease immediately, and the licence granted under Item 7 is terminated.
The fundraising letter of consent and all monies raised must be provided to the Good Friday Appeal within seven days of being notified of that consent has been withdrawn.
12.By completing and submitting the online Fundraising Proposal and Agreement form or registering on the Good Friday Appeal Online Fundraising Platform, the Good Friday Appeal will collect certain personal information about you including for example your name and contact details which you provide. We collect and use that information to provide you with our goods and services, to improve our goods and services, in relation to your fundraising activities, for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy and for any other purposes that we describe at the time of collection.
We may also disclose your information to our service and content providers, including those located outside Australia. We may contact you (including by email and SMS) in respect of your donation and send you Good Friday Appeal promotional materials including invitations to participate in various activities. If you do not provide us with requested information we may not be able to provide you with the goods and services you require. Further information about how we handle personal information, how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, how we will deal with a complaint of that nature, how you can access or seek correction of your personal information and our contact details can be found in our Privacy Policy.